Image: Rowan Bailey

book(ish) is a quarterly magazine, online platform and social community for ‘bookish’ people. It is a place for all things culture: film, art, music, podcasts and of course, books.

At book(ish) we are dedicated to promoting up and coming, diverse and inclusive talent, with a focus on the accessible and ethical. As well as features, reviews, and even playlists, we have some incredible exclusive interviews lined up with authors, publishers, musicians, and more.

Meet our team:

Ella Doyle, Editor | Becca Challis, Production and Design Editor | Cara Laskaris, Features Editor | Catherine Entwistle, Subsections Editor | Narzra Ahmed, Reviews and Multimedia Editor | Carina Murphy, Social Media and Marketing Editor

Images: Rowan Bailey

Six of us came up with this idea in September 2020 with a dream of creating an accessible, fun and inclusive space for book lovers, and with the help of Sarah Lonsdale and Julian Linley, we were able to bring our dream to life.

Check us out over at, and follow us on Instagram and Twitter! Let’s take the bullsh*t out of books!