The outgoing editor-in-chief of gal-dem, a magazine working to amplify the voices of women and non-binary people of colour, has been shortlisted for the 2021 XCity Award.
A piece of Diyora’s mind: Video series
For the third instalment of the series, we’re hearing from Diyora Shadijanova, opinion and personal essays editor at gal-dem and freelance journalist for publications like Cosmopolitan and the Independent. She tells us about learning to grow confidence as a journalist, and her piece that got given a shout-out at a protest!
8 Independent Women’s Zines You Should Check Out
Independent women’s magazines are flourishing and challenging representations of women in the media in new ways. Take Mushpit, the one-time zine, founded by Bertie Brandes and Charlotte Roberts, now a well-loved glossy that has tackled political and feminist crises – with the added bonus of great fashion – for over
XCity Plus Podcast Episode 1: Charlie Brinkhurst-Cuff (gal-dem)
Each week on the XCity Plus Podcast, deputy online editor Charlotte Davey interviews women who work in online journalism. Spanning topics such as campaign journalism and the representation of Women of Colour, the podcast seeks to explore how women are carving out their own platforms online. This week, the XCity