The world is a big, strange and mad-as-a-bottle-of-chips place, and it’s a journalist’s job to immerse themselves in it in the name of entertaining and informing. As these journalists will attest, this can throw you into some outright odd situations… Francine Lawrence, art director and former editor of Country Living
What is your journo pseudonym?
What are you doing, sitting there writing that article, “Ann”? Who do you think is going to read it? Come on, “Barry”. Up your game. Get out of that conference call to Helsinki at once. Inka Heino has no time for you. It’s time to answer the important questions: When
In Defence of Introverted Journalists
It’s not easy being an introvert. It’s not easy being a journalist. So it stands to reason that being both at once is no walk in the park – especially when interacting with others and appearing ultra-confident is a central part of the job. Lots of introverted journalists worry about