PRs have been bombarding journalists with freebies since the dawn of time. But sometimes the attempts to win favour get nothing but confused looks. With hacks being handed everything from giant blocks of ice to life-sized cut-outs of rugby players, we’ve listed the strangest freebies given to journos: 1. An
The 4 types of hack we all know
Journalists are an odd bunch. But as frantic, tired and weirdly obsessed with the inner workings of local councils as we seem to others; we look even stranger to each other. Each tribe of journalist has its own stereotype that all other hacks secretly associate with them. Stereotypes like: The Newshound Otherwise
Quiz: Guess the journalist’s first tweet
Creating the perfect tweet has become an art form. And like all art forms it can take a long time to get any good at it. Way back in 2008, when Twitter was just beginning to take off in the UK, some of the biggest names in journalism were… um…
The best of #AdviceToYoungJournalists
And no, “get out now” doesn’t make the cut.
Animals vs reporters: Top 5 showdowns
Animal magnetism Imagine holding a giant black rooster while trying to report on live TV, or swallowing a fly right in the middle of a sensitive report. These unfortunate lot all have one thing in common, the inability to interact with animals. Thank goodness a camera was there to capture
9 of Twitter’s weirdest journo request hashtags
#JournoRequest: Saving articles, one case study at a time.